Ron is a founding partner of HR Atlantic, our senior negotiator, and our resident guru of creative problem-solving.
Ron has extensive experience in successfully leading employers through the collective bargaining process. He has served as chief spokesperson at contract negotiations on more than 200 occasions within both the public and private sectors. Ron is well versed in conventional and interest-based negotiations, as well as alternative dispute resolution techniques such as mediation and mediation-arbitration (a combined process of mediation and binding arbitration).
Ron regularly represents employers in a variety of labour disputes, including labour arbitrations and labour board hearings. More significantly, Ron prides himself on finding lasting solutions to the labour issues facing employers today.
In addition to his client advocacy work, Ron is regularly called to upon to serve as a neutral mediator or adjudicator. Ron’s neutral work has included serving as:
- Chair of the discipline committee for the College of Physicians and Surgeons
- Counsel to the PEI Social Work Registration Board in a variety of professional disciplinary investigations
- Vice Chair of the Worker’s Compensation Appeal Tribunal
- Fair Treatment Officer for the University of Prince Edward Island
- Member of numerous labour arbitration panels
- Special Mediator in labour disputes
- Past Chair of the Mental Health Review Board
- Chair of Liquor Licensing Appeal Panel
Ron is a graduate of Dalhousie Law School. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from the University Waterloo, and a Diploma in Human Services from Holland College. He is member of the Law Society of Prince Edward Island and the Nova Scotia Barristers Society.
Before going to Dalhousie Law School, Ronald acquired experience in the insurance and financial services industry establishing clients and rethinking employee benefit issues. This transferred into his law practice and helped him become a master in resolutions regarding employee benefits and pension implications.
As a senior negotiator regularly leading large, complex contract negotiations as well as long term care and community-based residential services organizations, Ronald’s main focus is labour law. In addition to negotiations, he represents clients before labour and arbitration boards and enjoys helping employers problem-solve to achieve success for the organization. He is is able to think outside of the box while looking for practical and sustainable solutions.
Outside of labour law, Ronald also assists clients with their employment law issues when there is no union or collective agreement in place. From negotiating terms and conditions of employment, to terms and conditions of separation, he supports clients with employee issues through the full employment cycle.
Ron is active in his community. When not negotiating a collective agreement, Ron can usually be found on a ski hill or golf course.