Jennifer Innis

Senior Consultant

Jennifer is a Senior Consultant who understands conflicts are as unique as the individuals involved in them.

Throughout her 25+ year career, Jennifer’s practice has evolved and shifted, embracing more restorative processes and approaches to conflict management. Her approach is client-centered and trauma informed, which helps foster healthy and respectful work relationships and spaces. This approach allows her to work with clients in a more collaborative and holistic way in order to find appropriate solutions to challenging, complex, and sensitive issues.

Jennifer has conducted numerous complex workplace investigations and workplace assessments. These engagements have dealt with sensitive matters of workplace culture, conflict, harassment, discrimination, sexual and physical violence in the workplace, in-custody deaths, government wrongdoing, and public policy. This work has shaped her approach as a conflict management practitioner, ensuring a high level of integrity, accountability, transparency, and sensitivity to her interactions with others. Jennifer is known for her strong interpersonal skills, collaborative approaches, and innovation.

Jennifer strongly believes in the benefits of being a lifelong learner. She is a Certified Conflict Management Practitioner, holds a Masters in Adult Education from St. Francis Xavier University, and certificates in investigations, restorative justice, conflict coaching, mediation, negotiations, and change management (ProSci). 

When not working, Jennifer can be found exploring nature, painting, practicing yoga, and enjoying time with her family.